Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants. There are two types of propagation: sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is the union of the pollen and egg, drawing from the genes of two parents to create a new, third individual.
Sexual propagation involves the floral parts of a plant. Asexual propagation involves taking a part of one parent plant and causing it to regenerate itself into a new plant.
The resulting new plant is genetically identical its parent. Asexual propagation involves the vegetative parts of a plant: stems, roots, or leaves.
For your first time propagating a plant, it’s best to choose a healthy, hardy, easy-to-grow plant with standard, developed roots that you’ve had for a while. This ensures that its roots are established in its pot and that the parent plant will have no adverse effects from being propagated.
Some types of houseplants are also easier to propagate than others. If you’re new to propagation, we suggest pothos, philodendron, wandering Jew, and spider plants for your first attempt.
Once you’ve chosen your plant, it’s time to get cutting! Here are the supplies you’ll need:
A plant
A small vase, old drinking glass, or other glass container
Clean, sharp scissors
Find an area that you’d like to cut. The best cuttings contain 2-3 leaves and are around 4-8” long. Then, find the node (the knobby bump opposite where the stems and leaves attach to the main stem) and make a diagonal cut just below the lowest node of your cutting.
The diagonal cut helps the new plant take in water and nutrients, and the node at the bottom is where the new roots will develop.
Fill a tall, skinny glass with water and place your cutting into the water. We recommend using clear glass for these plant propagation techniques because it will allow you to track root growth more easily, but any tall, skinny, watertight container will work in a pinch.
In about a week, roots will begin to sprout from the bottom of your cutting. Be sure to top off your water level so that the roots remain just below the surface. You should also completely change the water once or twice a week (or whenever it begins to get cloudy).
Once the root system has developed and you have at least one strong root that is about 4” long, it’s time to pot your new plant. Pot as per usual in a lightweight potting mix in a planter that is just big enough for your cutting.
Place the new plant in filtered or indirect light until you begin to see new growth. Once there is new growth, you can move the plant to an area that provides its desired light level.
Since living in water is all your cutting has ever known, soil moisture and plant propagation go hand in hand. You’ll need to water your new plant heavily in the beginning to help it transition into living in soil. Keep the soil moist (but not soaking) to avoid root rot.
Some growers also put a terrarium top or plastic bag over the top of the plant to help it retain moisture (just be sure to poke some ventilation holes for air flow).
Slowly space out your waterings until the plant is on a normal watering schedule. Congratulations! You’ve propagated your first plant.
Propagating A Plant In 4 Steps
Step 1: Disinfect
First clean the knife you might be using.
Keep the knife under hot water and clean them well. This prevents you from unnecessarily transferring bacteria during the propagation.
happen to have disinfectant or pure alcohol? Disinfect the tools after using hot water. Let's get away with those bacteria and fungi!
Step 2: Dig out the plant
After cleaning the knife, it is best to remove the plant from its pot. Pups of the banana plant grow next to the mother plant. During the propagation, it is therefore very important to be careful.
Did you take the plant out of its decorative pot? Then carefully dig out the stem of the mother plant.
After you have removed the plant, look carefully at the plant. Look close to see if the pups have their own roots. Without its own roots propagating is very difficult!
Step 3: Cut off a pup
Cut the pup from the stem. Make sure you cut as close to the mother plant as possible.
Did you take the pup off? Don’t pull! The roots may still be intertwined. If necessary, separate the roots as well.
Do you have any cutting powder at home? Then you can apply it to the ‘open wound’ of the cutting. Let it dry and then place the cutting in its new decorative pot. Use new potting soil, so that the cutting gets extra nutrients.
Step 4: Taking care of the cutting
Position your cutting on a bright spot. You can place the cutting on the windowsill. It would be best if it's a window facing south. Do you only have a windowsill with a window facing north? Then look for the sunniest spot in the house. The midday sun is especially important for the banana plant. It’s a real sun worshippe
How To Care For A Plant After Propagation
Step 1: Cut a leaf or behead at the stem. Cut or twist off the leaves you want to propagate from the parent plant. ...
Step 2: Leave to air dry. Place the leaves or stems somewhere dry and out of direct sunlight so they can callous. ...
Step 3: Watch for roots and plant to come out .
Step 4: Water and watch.
Type Of Propagation
1. Seed Propagation
To obtain quality plants, start with good quality seed from a reliable dealer. Select varieties to provide the size, color, and habit of growth desired. Choose varieties adapted to your area which will reach maturity before an early frost.
Many new vegetable and flower varieties are hybrids, which cost a little more than open pollinated types.
However, hybrid plants usually have more vigor, more uniformity, and better production than non-hybrids and sometimes have specific disease resistance or other unique cultural characteristics.
3 . Leaf Cuttings: Some plants, like succulents, can be propagated by simply placing a leaf on moist soil.
4. Air Layering: This method involves making a wound on a stem, wrapping it with moist moss, and securing it with plastic. Roots will eventually grow from the wounded area.
5. Division: Some plants, like succulents and ferns, can be divided by separating the roots and crowns.
Water, Water
If you want to keep your plant cutting(s) growing in water indefinitely, that is totally a viable option. A word of warning: the longer your plant cutting sits in water, the worse the plant could fare over time. Why? Water has no nutrients, and can increase the risk for potential fungal infections.
You can help to combat this by changing out the water regularly and adding a tiny bit of fertilizer every month or so during the spring and summer growing season.
Propagation for many plants is best done in potting soil, but some plants can be propagated in water. This is because they have evolved in an environment that allows it. Most Aroid plants can be propagated in water, including pothos plants, philodendrons, monsteras, and ZZ plants.
These plants originate from an ancestor that lived in swamps, so being able to adapt to flooding conditions and still being able to grow was key to survival. As a result, the descendants of that ancestor have the ability to grow in water, too. However, they are still land plants and will do best if planted in soil over the long term.
Follow our easy steps for a successful propagation.........THANK